Sand transforms into glass. The glass solidifies and takes on a solid form, it looks like an egg, a cocoon a see-through window to its surroundings.
Branches found along the way, rags become a collage, assemblage. The stories show fragments of life, sometimes very transparent, sometimes very tangled. A snapshot captured.
Matter is reworked, coloured, filed, rubbed, glued, recycled.
New work emerges from an old identity, together with assistant housing Budalys.
Brittle in the human body represents an increasing state of fragility. Over the years, we become physically more fragile and breakable. Not only natural ageing causes this impermanence, various obstacles can also affect and accelerate it. Accepting these changes requires carrying capacity from the individual and environment.
We find the relationship between fragility and carrying capacity in textiles.
A material, fragile and breakable in its first stage, has been worked by humans for centuries. It offers us protection and support in day-to-day tasks.
Using textile processing and the craft of wet felting, Ayla Castelein tries to reveal the connection between the two. This both in individual work and in cooperation with others, such as Pamele asbl.
Zorggroep H. Hart is working thematically through various artistic workshops. Energy is our companion in this unique project, where cooperation is crucial.
For some this is a warm return to known techniques, for others new discoveries where energy and cooperation are central.