Wonder Creativity Festival WONDER Creativity Festival – 19.10 - 05.11.2023


How important is nature to us? With the more people we are, the more fauna and flora will be needed for a healthy life. Victor Vanderbeck & Febe Vanneste create virtual trees to show that we need to grow more greenery according to the number of people on earth. Each person on earth emits an average of 10 tonnes of co2 and equivalent per year. While 1 tree can absorb a maximum of 25 kg of co2 per year. This tells us that we need an average of 400 trees per person per year to keep the earth in balance. Victor and Febe have simplified this formula to grow 1.09 tree per person/day and have the equivalent absorbed by the moving flowers in their installation. 

Organised by

Victor Vanderbeck & Febe Vanneste


Dam 71
Dam 71
Wonder Creativity Festival